Fruits and vegetables


  • Has a longer shelf life

  • Achieve a 50% reduction in spoilage

  • Less spoilage occurs during transit

  • Safe sterilization, no harm

  • Low cost and high return

The Problem

Fruits and vegetables will carry bacteria and mold directly out of the field, which reduces shelf life and can cause serious health issues. While nearly all food processing facilities rinse produce with clean water, rinsing alone does not adequately sanitize against mold and bacteria.

Typically the minimal oxidant present in the water rinse (usually chlorine) is quickly consumed by the bacteria and mold leaving significant contamination behind to spread to other produce in the processing line. The resulting spoilage quickly leads to lower profits.

Select bacteria can also cause serious health issues if ingested by humans with weak immune systems, specifically the young and elderly. Contaminated fruits and vegetables can quickly put a produce company into a situation where it is the subject of front-page headlines across the United States.

The Inquiry

Clients will contact Ozone Greenplant to design and manufacture a turnkey ozone injection system that will increase shelf life and increase product safety. The majority of clients want a low maintenance, low cost ozone system with a small foot print. They desire to spray ozonated water on the final rinse to attain complete sanitization.

The Design

Ozone Greenplant designs a turnkey ozone system that integrates with a customer's existing water supply. The "hands off system" automatically maintains a preset dissolved ozone level and requires very little human oversight. In the event that ozone exceeds a safe level, an incorporated ozone sensor will terminate ozone production.

The Results

After installation, the ozonated produce has a longer shelf life and less spoilage occurs during transit and on the customer's shelf. In fact, many companies can achieve a 20-50% reduction in spoilage, which results in a very rapid payback, higher profits, and a significant reduction in the possibility of a headline-grabbing public health issue.

Ozone Geeenplant Can Achieve the Same Results for You! Contact Us Today!

Product Selection


  • Ozone is a highly effective and fast fungicide

  • Degradable pesticide residues

  • Ozone is reduced to oxygen and water without leaving any residue

  • The half-life of ozone is very short, only 20 minutes

  • The pesticide residues can be removed by more than 95%, no nutrients are lost, and the preservation time is long

  • Reduce the harm of pollution to humans

Products for Air Treatment

Below are the essential ozone generator products and its accessories required for Air Treatment

Professional Innovation Leader

We Ozonegreenplant ,Professional Supplier of Ozone generator technology in Water and Air system.All our products have passed CE certification and obtained export qualifications. Engineers with more than 10 years of relevant ozone industry experience, successfully serving Industries viz., Agriculture, Aquaculture, Education, Hospitality, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverages, Consumer & Government Projects etc., Our products are exported to 50+ countries.The quality and stability of the products are well received by customers.We will continue to improve the quality of products and maintain stability.
Click on the certificate below to enlarge the content of the certificate.





Design Patent Certificate