principle of ozone generator sterilization

Author:Ozonegreenplant Publish Time: 2020-07-24

     The active oxygen released by the ozone generator can naturally differentiate into oxygen in the environment, which is the weird advantage of active oxygen as a disinfectant. Oxygen in the active oxygen operating atmosphere is generated. During the disinfection and oxidation process, the excess oxygen atoms (O) are connected to molecular oxygen (O2) after 30 minutes. There is no residual material. When disinfection is performed, the residual The problem of secondary purification of materials, while eliminating the need for re-cleaning after disinfection. Active oxygen sterilization equipment is generally placed in indoor or intermediate air-conditioning systems, atmospheric pollution systems, probably in sterilization equipment (such as active oxygen sterilization cabinets, notification windows, etc.). The active oxygen sterilization equipment can be automatically set up on time according to the concentration and actual time required for sterilization, which is convenient to operate.

   Ozone generator is an equipment assembly used to produce ozone. Ozone is easy to differentiate and cannot be stored. It needs to be prepared on-site and used on-site (but it can be stored for a short time under special circumstances). Ozone generators must be used where ozone can be used. Ozone generators are widely used in tap water, sewage, industrial oxidation, and space sterilization. Through the ozone generator, high-concentration ozone is generated, and the ozone is dissolved in water to become a very useful antidote. Thereby oxidizing and dividing the toxic substances in the water, such as heavy metal ions, organic poisons, cyanide, sulfide, and dichlorvos, dimethoate, malathion and other pesticides, can easily deal with the problem of fruit and vegetable pollution, and bring health to consumers. Higher living character.

principle of ozone generator sterilization

      The quality of the ozone generator can be distinguished from many aspects such as production materials, system installation equipment, cooling methods, working frequency, control methods, ozone concentration, gas source and power consumption targets. A good ozone generator should be made of high-dielectric materials, standard equipment (including gas source and pollution equipment), dual electric ice cooling, high-frequency drive, intelligent control, high ozone concentration input, low power consumption and low gas source loss. Active oxygen technology, pesticide degradation is more efficient, up to 95.7%, active oxygen O3 dissolves in the water, smashes the chemical bonds of pesticides, and degrades the residual pesticides in the fruit and vegetable profile, without secondary purification, and safe degradation. A good ozone generator is carried out according to its standards from the plan to the installation of equipment and production materials, and the cost is much higher than that of low-end generators and low-end equipment. But the excellent ozone generator performance, ozone concentration and output are not affected by the environment. However, the ozone generator with low installation equipment is greatly affected by the environment, and the increase in temperature and humidity can greatly reduce the ozone production and concentration, and affect the disposal results.