Bleachability verification of ozone generator

Author:Ozonegreenplant Publish Time: 2021-01-20

Ozone has a good degrading effect on COD BOD in water quality, and it also has a good effect on decolorization, which is well known. Let's walk into the experimental site to see the real effect of ozone on sewage treatment in practice.


1. Experiment 1: The bleaching and decolorization of slaughterhouse wastewater (blood water) by ozone

Materials and tools:

One 10G oxygen source ozone generator, one 25L bucket, 20L slaughterhouse wastewater, several anti-oxidant silicone tubes, one aeration stone, several transparent water cups

Method and operation

Pour the water to be disinfected into the bucket, connect the ozone output pipeline and connect it with the aeration stone, put the aeration stone at the bottom of the bucket, close the lid, seal it, turn on the ozone generator, and count


Observe once in 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and 40 minutes respectively; when observed in 10 minutes, the barrel is full of bubbles, and the water color becomes lighter; when observed in 30 minutes, the bubbles become less and the water color becomes lighter; when observed in 40 minutes, Almost no foam, the color of the water turns white, and there is no peculiar smell


2. Experiment 1: Bleaching and decolorization of electroplating wastewater (dark black) by ozone

Materials and tools:

One 50G oxygen source ozone generator, one 25L bucket, 20L electroplating wastewater, several anti-oxidation silicone tubes, one aeration stone, and several transparent water cups

Method and operation

Pour the water to be disinfected into the bucket, connect the ozone output pipeline and connect it with the aerator, put the aerator at the bottom of the bucket, close the lid, seal it, turn on the ozone generator, and count


Observe once in 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and 40 minutes respectively; when observed in 10 minutes, the barrel is full of bubbles, and the water color becomes lighter; when observed in 30 minutes, the bubbles become less and the water color becomes lighter; when observed in 40 minutes, Almost nothing, the color of the water turns white, and there is no peculiar smell


Description: Ozone has strong bleaching, deodorization and the effect is good; but the above experiment is a simple operation, in actual use in engineering, better ozone dosing and mixing methods should be used to improve ozone utilization.